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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

“Pat Tillman - His Voice is Now Our Voice - Associated Content”

“Pat Tillman - His Voice is Now Our Voice - Associated Content”

Pat Tillman - His Voice is Now Our Voice - Associated Content

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 12:27 AM PDT

It has always driven me crazy to think that the world is full of people who are far too caught up in who's who. I'm typically turned off by name droppers, and I am proud to be just one of the "little people" who stays
 off of social ladders to get the job done. I have recently come to realize however, that there are times when utilizing a renown spokesperson is the only way to get 'our voice' heard. If I can live with the sincerity of my intentions than I am going to make an exception to my personal rules of engagement and allow Pat Tillman's voice to speak on my behalf.

There are countless military families who have been victims of this 'game of life' played so casually by our military leaders and government officials. I'm not just referring to those who have died by fratricide, but those who have been wounded or perhaps who have been made to take the fall for another's mistake. Careerism is the driving force behind decisions made by powerful leaders at the top. It is with that filter most outcomes are decided. For those at the bottom of the food chain, we have no chance of being heard if we don't join forces with someone that has a louder megaphone than the one we have been given.

The Tillman family could have dropped this whole thing a long time ago. Nothing they can do will ever bring their boy back. Though they've likely learned to move forward, they really can't get very far from the pain as long as they have to get up every day and jump back into this fight. So why do they do it? I think I've got a pretty good idea.

I've been fighting the same system for over a year. My boy was not felled by fratricide, but he was destroyed, in a system of sloppy care for wounded warriors, by his own, those who proclaim the motto of Semper Fidelis. The more I investigated, and the more I discovered, the uglier the game became. The true victim, unfortunately, has been my Marine, and I don't think I'll ever really get him back, but I can't deny that our entire family has suffered greatly for having taken on this burden.

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Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent.

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