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Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

“Good Morning, Gather ! -”

“Good Morning, Gather ! -”

Good Morning, Gather ! -

Posted: 24 Aug 2010 08:49 AM PDT

It's Tuesday, and it looks like it's going to be another hot one here in our little valley.  Bear will be getting short walks today.

I need to go grab breakfast, then get into the day.

I don't think Mom and I are going anywhere today, which may be a good thing considering the heat.

My friend was telling me yesterday that in Bulgaria it's not just hot, it's muggy (makes me think of Missouri in July) so I'm glad I'm not there.

I want to do some writing today of course, which includes a pen pal letter I am working on.  The other writing will be for here--aside for the fan fictions I'm working on, which hopefully I'll get to. ;)

I should call the place I work across town and see if I have a paycheck there.  They never call and tell me whether I do or not. ;p

I have watchers on different things on ebay, but no bids. :(  A couple of things are ending today, and I want to put a couple of new things I have up in their place.

I need to water my Morning Glories out front.  I haven't watered them in a while, and the leaves look kind of weird.  I'm hoping water is all they need.

Come to think of it, I guess I should post a bookmark or two up on Artfire....recently I had someone tell me that I could probably get away with selling them for more than I am, but I thought, "Yeah, well if that's the case, why aren't I selling them for what they're priced NOW !? "   ;p

So, I'm off. :)  Hope that you all have a great Tuesday out there in Gatherland !

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