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Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

“TRAVEL: Fictions from facts: On the Beatnik trail in Mexico City - New Haven Register” plus 3 more

“TRAVEL: Fictions from facts: On the Beatnik trail in Mexico City - New Haven Register” plus 3 more

TRAVEL: Fictions from facts: On the Beatnik trail in Mexico City - New Haven Register

Posted: 25 Jul 2010 10:32 PM PDT

[ unable to retrieve full-text content]

Diners enjoy a meal at an outdoor cafe in Mexico City's Roma neighborhood. Fans of America's greatest writers of the Beat Generation can still find traces of their sojourns here in this neighborhood, in ...

Historical fictions throw insight into our lives: Tharoor - New Kerala

Posted: 24 Jul 2010 12:15 AM PDT

New Delhi, July 24 : History makes for compelling books because they offer insights into our lives, says MP and writer Shashi Tharoor, who would love to write a historical fiction himself in future.

"Historical fictions are very important because they depict a different time period and throw fresh insight into our lives. They show how our lives derive from that time period. Reading historical fiction is a method of reconnecting," Tharoor said, releasing writer and psychoanalyst Sudhir Kakar's new book, "The Crimson Throne", at the French ambassador's residence in the capital.

The book, Kakar's fifth novel, is a window to the decadence of Mughal India during 30 years of emperor Shah Jahan's reign and the war of succession to the Peacock Throne between the emperor's tolerant eldest son Dara Shukoh and his astute sibling Aurangzeb.

It is a dispassionate study of the first clash within the spiritual mosaic of Islam - a war precipitated by Dara's religious inclusiveness and Aurangzeb's bigotry told by two European travellers.

The book begins with an assessment of the state of affairs in the "Dilli durbar" by two eunuchs.

The former minister of state for external affairs was joined in his "discussion of the book in context of 17th century India's socio-political milieu" by French Ambassador Jerome Bonnafont and Roberto Toscano, ambassador of Italy, in an uncanny throwback to Kakar's tale that was recounted by two travellers, the Italian Niccolao Manucci and Frenchman Francois Bernier.

Asked "whether the book was similar to Salman Rushdie's 'Enchantress of Florence'", Tharoor said: "If you take a look at the 'Enchantress of Florence', I think they are very different, but they are very good."

"Both the books have an Italian connection, but the writers are different in their styles and approaches. The books have an interesting element of contrast," he said.

Tharoor said "the research for the book was excellent and it was faithful to the attitudes of the cast".

"Shah Jahan's reign was barely 30 years after the reign of Akbar who started the syncretisation of religion. It was marked by some limitations," he said.

The MP, a student of history who has authored as many as 12 books, re-interpreted history in his book, "The Great Indian Novel". It looked at the events of the

Mahabharata in context of Indian politics since Independence.

"I would love to write a historical fiction in the future," Tharoor said when asked if he would ever attempt one.

But the minister is starved for time.

"To write a fiction, you need time and space to create an alternative universe in the head," he said.


Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Oysters. To Try or Not to Try? - Associated Content

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 05:35 PM PDT

I love oysters! My son on the other hand not so much.

We were on a much anticipated camping trip with another family and couldn't wait to hit the beach and the local seafood shops. (I have to mention the family we were with, the husband is a chef!) When we go camping we

 try to eat at the campsite as much as possible and taking a chef with you is definitely a bonus.

We made the 13 hour trek from KY to Florida: two cars, four adults and three kids. We set the camper up and got the campsite ready for the week.

The next day we ventured out and bought all kinds of fresh seafood including raw oysters. All the kids were like "those are so gross". My son Chris who was 15 at the time decided, reluctantly, that he would try them. It took him all day to build up to it.

That evening Chef Jason prepared the seafood and brought out the oysters. He had the first one to show us how it was done. He pulled one out and squeezed the lemon juice on it and added a bit of cocktail sauce. Then he tilted his head back and slurped it off the shell. I thought my son was going to throw up! All the color left his cheeks. It was Chris' turn. Jason prepared the oyster for him with the lemon juice and cocktail sauce and handed it to him. Chris looked at it, smelled it and tried to give it back. Jason wouldn't take it and encouraged him to try just one. Chris tilted his head back a little and slurped the oyster off the shell. As soon as it touched his tongue he spat it back out onto the shell and he was wiping his tongue on his shirt. I can tell you, he has never tried another oyster.

Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

When Tears Fall: An Autobiography by Verne Johnson - Associated Content

Posted: 02 Aug 2010 12:36 PM PDT

While adults will definitely take something positive from When Tears Fall, this thought-provoking reading material should be distributed throughout high school classrooms all over America to reach our younger generation
 who need to hear the flip side of "street life," like yesterday.

Reviewed by ShaniReviews |

Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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