harpobear  Posted on Sep 10, 2009 1:06 PM He was an American icon. A genius musician. The world mourned and is still coping with the death of Michael Jackson. For the first time since he passed away, Oprah speaks about where she was and how she felt when she heard the tragic news. resaformj  Jennifer Batten also said that Michael lowered his ticket prices drastically for the concerts in Romania, because of the poverty there. resaformj  October 10
October 10, 1970 - The Jackson 5 sing the National Anthem at the opening game of the World Series at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati ( Ohio ) October 10, 1982 - Michael attends the wedding of Courtney Sale & Steve Ross with Quincy Jones & his wife Peggy. October 10, 11, 12, 1987 - Bad Tour Concerts in Osaka, Japan. Michael is on the cover of People with a hand-written message from Michael. October 10, 11, 1988 - Bad Tour Concerts in Richfield ( Ohio ) October 10, 1989 - Michael goes back to the Gardner Elementary School in Hollywood where he attended sixth grade. The school renames his auditorium "The Michael Jackson Auditorium". Michael gives a speech to thank his former teacher Mrs. Gerstin & former tutor, Rose Fine who attend the event. October 10, 1992 - Cable TV network HBO broadcast another version of the Bucharest concert from the Dangerous Tour earning the highest cable TV ratings in history! October 10, 1997 - HIStory Tour Concert in Johannesburg, South Africa. jackgat  Amen Sister!
IMHO Oprah is using Ms. Jackson for ratings. Frankly she and her nosy friend Gail are probably wanting to get a glimpse of Michael Jackson's children. I hope Katherine says no to that. I love that Jennifer Batten who actually worked with Michael is talking to the media on his behalf. I truly believe the truth will come out! There will be a real journalist who investigates this case. Something is not right! To quote T-Mez the truth is on Michael's side. jackgat  Michael Jackson was a king without a country. World leaders would bend over backwards for him.
Believe me MJ would have convinced the Olympic committee to have the 2012 games in Chicago. He could do it. He really did have that much influence around the world. Long live the King. cynthiawas  Good morning Everyone,
Re.: the Oprah pending interviews with Lisa Marie and Katherine Jackson: My only hope is these conversations will defuse the hostility, resentment and anger many fans, in both camps, have shared with each other over the last 18 months.. If Michael Jackson's legacy is to be sustained, all camps need to be in sync...the Murray trial is in January?...maybe,... and the fans must be united if they expect any JUSTICE for Michael or seal his legacy.... IMO, Murray needs to be convicted for his actions, no doubt!!!, but with these fan divisions, name calling, accusations, disparaging remarks to about each other, rehashing trials long ended and remarks about unfounded allegations, etc., coming from both the Jackson/Presley fans, it's all Murray's defense team needs to get an acquittal ...many fans have feared this for a long time, there is no "unity".... Katherine/Joe have given plenty of ammunition for the Murray's defense team since Michael's death...their ongoing contentions on money issues is getting ridiculous and Randy has already stated there is a division within the family. IMO, Katherine Jackson needs to step up and thank Lisa Marie for her devotion to Michael and her support of the Jackson Family during this time and throughout the years...Everyone in the Jackson family have had nothing but good things to say about Lisa Marie from Rebbie to Joe Jackson.. but Katherine has been silent, embracing alliances that only fuel anger and doubt to Michael's loyal fans...As matriarch of the family, Katherine needs to speak up and let all fans, who support her son Michael, whether in Lisa/Elvis camp or just the Jackson's, that she wants, needs and appreciates an united front ...the hate that I have read about Michael/Lisa Marie's relationship from fans are disgusting...IMO, Michael would want healing also!! Whatever happens, Michael Jackson would not support this disunity among his fans and would want a "healing" between the camps... the two women he "loved" deeply can achieve this goal.. IMO..these interviews may hold the key... It's time to HEAL. Take care sartorus  jackgat said: Michael Jackson was a king without a country. World leaders would bend over backwards for him.
Hi jackgat - this was a remarkable truth about Michael. His acceptance and friendships among world leaders was a fascinating and rare phenomenon and I don't recall ever witnessing such a thing from any other "pop" star. Certainly not to an extent even comparable to Micahel Jackson. Really makes you think about what a special person God granted us time with doesn't it? I mean, among all the other things about Micahel that make you think about that  sartorus  Amen back at you, jackgat.
there are so many things that "are not right" about the entire history of abusive slander and harrassment against Michael Jackson. It is far far too soon to lay down our weapons in his defense. Until Michael is completely vindicated and restored to the position of respect he deserves so richly, it is far far too soon to stop speaking out against all the trials and punishing, unjust ordeals inflicted on him. Its far too soon to stop putting the information out and out and out again to all those who still refuse to admit and speak the truth about him. Who still continue to slander and lie about him. Getting sidetracked into tabloid gossip about his long past personal business that no one who is "discussing" it from articles that are fictions invented by the Trashedia (something Oprah has become a card-carrying member of as I see you have recognized) is a waste of very precious time IMO, not to mention something people should keep their nosy noses out of - to borrow a little bit from you  ) as you pointed out Oprah has always used (and abused) the Jacksons for ratings. It remains to be seen if these vampire tendencies of hers have halted or not. But if her most recent smearings and denigrations of Micahel are any indication, I doubt it. sartorus  ay yi yi!! misspelling Michael!! MICHAEL is what I should have wrote!
MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL - hopefully I have this out of my system now  sartorus  When he did his iconic moonwalk, I was shocked. It was magic. Michael Jackson went into orbit and never came down. Though it ended way too soon, Michael's life was beautiful. Berry Gordy.
sartorus  It was reported recently that producer Mark Ronson has revealed that he used to stay over at Neverland with his friend Sean Lennon - son of legendary John Lennon - and hang out with Michael Jackson. Mr. Ronson said he did not talk about the sleep overs with his classmates, not because of any stigma but because he did not want to brag
Needless to say, Michael was a victim of money-hungry parasites who tried to sully his public image by falsley accusing him of child molestation, which caused injury to him mentally & physically for the rest of his life. But Ronson was a witness to Jackson's pure affection for children and said he believes that Michael Jackson had an enchanting effect on kids from toddlers to teenagers. Ronson also says that Michael himself was just a big kid who never grew up and often reverted back to his playful, fun-loving character which enabled him to connect easily with children. He said he seemed to him like a kid that never really had a chance to grow-up. Ronson's statement is certainly more proof of Michael's innocence and his good-natured character which was besmirched by greedy, corrupt elements of society. I would add that the inner beauty of Michael Jackson had an enchanting effect on everyone from the cradle to the grave. Witness 80 year olds crying at the gates of Forest Lawn and new toddlers dancing to MJ's music and loving his videos. long live the King cynthiawas  Hi Everyone..had a wonderful laugh yesterday!!!...
Remember in 1986 when Michael Jackson was pictured in a Hyperberic Oxygen Chamber?...the tabs were all over it ..laughing, calling Michael strange/weird?...well, he had the last laugh....while watching "Flipping this House" yesterday, it was revealed that certain corporations have purchase soft hyperberic chambers as therapy for their employee stress relief!!! Michael was very much into science and read everything he could about the body, even wanting to purchase the Elephant Man's bones..but little did people realize, Michael Jackson was truly ahead of the game....These Hyperberic Chambers replenish the red blood cells...our cells die daily and must replenish themselves over night, as we sleep... when he was burned, he started looking into this equipment for healing and wanted to donate a chamber to the burn center that helped him, after the Pepsi incident...He learned bodycells control the oxygen in our body and affects stress, stroke, cancers, and dead cells in the brain, as well as burns, etc... What Michael was testing, almost 20 years ago, was this new innovation that could possibly cure the human body in the future...Now, this same chamber therapy is being used to help men and women who suffer from PTSD (post traumatic syndome) in the US armed forces, as of January 2010, as well as in hospitals...the average cost in the US is $1800 per 90 minutes...in other countries, cost is not an issue...Now you can have one in ur home as well as treatment in a hospital...all because Michael Jackson took the blunt of critism in 1986..the ignorance of people is so unexplainable!!...many people still don't understand that through his curiosity and public exposure, the HBOT is now used to help others..and available to millions...but the tabs made Michael Jackson is a Joke, Eccentric, Crazy...no Michael Jackson was an explorer of life beyond our times!!! Michael Jackson always looked for healing and truth...if is wasn't through his music, it was in his charitiable deeds and having curious mind....no one should be laughing now!!! here we are almost 20 years later and have the ability to use what the Tabloids called weird, strange technology to rejuvenate blood cells....and help cure/relieve/pain, diseases! Michael Jackson was not crazy, just ahead of our times, never afraid of Knowledge being POWER...If people would only listen, read, learn and share, not look for the scandal or feed on negativity... Michael Jackson, was not always about himself or fame but was for the love of people, their best interest, not a weirdo... the "love" Michael spread was for the whole. As I have shared before, it's the small things that create the BIG picture of who Michael Jackson Was.... Take care!! sartorus  Another anniversary is coming up this month, lest we forget: Michael Jackson organized an 8 hour marathon concert on October 21st, shortly after 9/11, in Washington DC at RFK Stadium for the victims of 9/11.
Because of him doing so, over 3 million dollars were raised for the American Red Cross Liberty Relief Fund, The Salvation Army Relief Fund and the Pentagon Relief Fund through ticket sales which sold out in one hour - 54,000 tickets priced between $25 and $75. Michael performed "We Are The World" and "Man In The Mirror" during the show as well as leading the finale of "What More Can I Give". His words to the world at this time were this: Join hands and reach to the heavens. Don't do it because I am asking you to, do it because it's the right thing to do. Now I ask you for a moment of love and silence. Tonight we all stand united and ask "what more can I give?". And when we leave here tonight let us take this love and give it to all the people everywhere in every corner of the Earth. To the families of the victims of September 11th that are here with us tonight, You Are Not Alone. You are in our hearts, you are in our thoughts and you are in our prayers. The words of a man who was a true King in the midst of humanity. resaformj  Sartorus said: "Until Michael is completely vindicated and restored to the position of respect he deserves so richly, it is far far too soon to stop speaking out against all the trials and punishing, unjust ordeals inflicted on him. Its far too soon to stop putting the information out and out and out again to all those who still refuse to admit and speak the truth about him. Who still continue to slander and lie about him. "
Amen, amen, amen to this statement. The day that I can read a newspaper, magazine or internet article, watch a television show and read or hear "Michael Jackson was falsely accused" is the day that I will feel that Michael has been vindicated. It is far too soon to stop discussing the trials and tribulations that Michael went through. Just this Friday night there were two television shows that alleged that Michael was guilty. There are far to many people that still believe that Michael was guilty as charged. Vindication is not only important for Michael's legacy, it is important for his precious children. I hope that during Katherine's interview with Oprah she talks about the son that she raised. I hope that she emphasizes that her son was falsely accused and how much she and the children miss Michael. I hope that she talks about Michael's humanitarian efforts and what a wonderful father, son, brother, uncle, cousin and friend that he was. It is also my hope that Oprah realizes that she was wrong about Michael, and apologizes to Katherine for her participation in slandering Michael's name. cynthiawas  Hello again, everyone...
It would be nice to live in a prefect world...be we don't ...and we can't irradiate every injustice the world put before us but we can speak out!!! we can use our own wits and disreguard those things that are not germine to healthy living or feed on it, its our choice!!....once we stop feeding into negativity, IMO, negativity will move on/disappear and Michael's legacy will survive....Magazines, tv and other media feed our phobias, people are afraid of everything, especially confrontation....if we don't buy into the negativity of media , it doesn't exist and they move on to another prey....if we AMEN to anything, let us AMEN to hate...CNN, last night did a program on bullying of our children and its affects on the human pschy!!...when we allow others to start a bullying pen because they can't have their way, then we are no better than the bullies, they stated....and when we stand by and allow it, we are not innocent of the same act... IMO, let's stop the bullying/one up manship!! through this new technology, of internet social groups, we have left a path of uncomprise/unreasonableness... and try to help see the damage and ill-will anonymous bullying can cause in the lives of others. What happened to reasonableness, to thinking individuals?...they have to be out there in the world..the unlearned can't always be the voice reason, IMO... maggie634  Hello Cynthia,
How are you? I hope you feel better. Today I was listening to a Sermon about conflict and confusion. I listened intently to the sermon. Part of the sermon which resonated with me, is when the Pastor also said people who like conflict/controversy, often time the conflict are within themselves, and they tried to project their garbage on to others. The Poster also said there are times to remain still with people who like confusion and conflict, let the spirit of understanding surround you, remain quiet. Remaining quiet, sometimes causes them to self destruct. The Pastor also said Haters will always be Haters. There is nothing you can do to change their minds. This takes me to another topic. I was talking with my eldest daughter, a variety of today's issues were discussed, and eventually we ended up discussing Michael Jackson, and Oprah. My daughter and I always had a different view about the 1993 Oprah's interview with Michael. She always told me Oprah never bad -mouthed Michael, she has issues, and had her own opinion. Well suffice it to say, my daughter found nothing wrong with Oprah remembrance of Michael which she aired Sept. last year. She told me after all it is her opinion. Who are we to condemn Oprah for her thoughts, her views, what she should have done, or what she did not do. Don't you also have opinions, very strong opinions? (This was directed to me) I answered "YES" . She said as far as she can see there are many people on Oprah's board who have opinions, and yet they want Oprah to bend to heir way of thinking. My daughter told me this was so absurd. She said Oprah, did not Kill Michael Jackson. When my daughter left I sat down and reflected deeply about what was discussed between us. I finally had to admit she was correct. Oprah has allowed us to use her board, her blog to express our opinions. Some of it was hostile towards her. I myself contributed towards some harsh opinions when I first joined the board last year October. Looking back I think it was magnanimous of Oprah to do so. We were hurt, we were frustrated, we were shocked, devastated by Michaels death. We wanted immediate justice; we wanted an immediate miracle to happen, as a matter of fact we looking for an easy target/ scapegoat by being hostile to Oprah. Oprah is the epitome of CLASS. The blog is still up after all is said and done. We still have people who continually beret her incessantly. I'm looking at this through a different pair of lenses. What I see is NOT pretty. Of all the talk show hosts, and journalists Michael despised the most were BW, and DD.I cannot recall him say anything about Oprah. For those who do not know Professor Gibbs, he did a family tree about Oprah, and several celebrities. Oprah's family history was show over and over on GPS TV in GA. It was discovered there were some sort of ties or relationship to Elvis. Oprah had visited Graceland, and just before Lisa took Oprah into the secret part of the house to show where Elvis stuff was. Oprah had to turn off cameras for security reasons. Well the conversation came up between Oprah and Lisa, and Lisa said she heard about it. peace |
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