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Senin, 17 Mei 2010

“Itching to Fight Another Muslim Enemy -” plus 1 more

“Itching to Fight Another Muslim Enemy -” plus 1 more

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Itching to Fight Another Muslim Enemy -

Posted: 17 May 2010 03:40 PM PDT

If you read the major American newspapers or watch the propaganda on cable TV, it's pretty clear that the U.S. foreign policy Establishment is again spoiling for a fight, this time in Iran.

Just as Iraq's Saddam Hussein was the designated target of American hate in 2002 and 2003, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is playing that role now. Back then, any event in Iraq was cast in the harshest possible light; today, the same is done with Iran.

Anyone who dares suggest that the situation on the ground might not be as black and white as the Washington Post's editors claim it is must be an "apologist" for the enemy regime. It's also not very smart for one's reputation to question the certainty of the reporting in the New York Times, whether about Iraq's "aluminum tubes" for nuclear centrifuges in 2002 or regarding Iran's "rigged" election in 2009.

It's much better for one's career to clamber onto the confrontation bandwagon. Nobody in the major U.S. media or in politics will ever be hurt by talking tough and flexing muscles regarding some Muslim "enemy." And, if the posturing leads to war, it will fall mostly to working-class kids to do the fighting and dying while the bills can be passed along to future generations.

Even groups that should know better – like representing veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars – have been piggybacking on the organized hate campaign against Ahmadinejad and Iran to advance other political agendas. In cable TV ads, uses Ahmadinejad's face and Iran's alleged manufacture of some IEDs to press the case for alternative energy.

Indeed, looking at this American propaganda campaign objectively, you would assume that the only acceptable outcome of U.S. differences with Iran is another Iraq-like ratcheting up of tensions, using Washington's influence within the UN Security Council to impose escalating sanctions, leading ultimately to another war, as if the lessons of Iraq have already been forgotten.

Fearing Negotiations

This warmongering attitude was on display again Monday, when a possible breakthrough regarding Iran's refining of nuclear material – its agreement to ship a substantial amount to Turkey in exchange for nuclear rods for medical research – was treated more as a negative than a positive.

The New York Times promptly framed the agreement reached by Iran, Turkey and Brazil as "complicating sanctions talk," while the Washington Post rushed out an analysis with the headline, "Iran creates illusion of progress in nuclear negotiations."

The Post's analysis followed a Saturday editorial denouncing Brazil's President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva for even trying "yet another effort to 'engage' the extremist clique of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "

The Post's neocon editorial writers reprised the usual anti-Iran propaganda themes with all the arrogance that they once showed in declaring as flat fact that Saddam Hussein possessed stockpiles of WMD. After the U.S. invaded Iraq and found no WMD caches, the Post's editorial page editor Fred Hiatt acknowledged to CJR that if there indeed were no WMD, "it would have been better not to say it."

(More than 4,300 American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead, in part, because of Hiatt's mistake.)

On Saturday, an unchastened Hiatt and his crew were back again spouting more fictions, this time about Iran, like the oft-repeated claim that the Iranian election last June was "fraudulent," apparently because the Post's preferred candidate, Mir Hossein Mousavi, lost.

An analysis by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes earlier this year found that there was little evidence to support allegations of fraud or to conclude that most Iranians viewed Ahmadinejad's reelection as illegitimate.

Not a single Iranian poll analyzed by PIPA – whether before or after the June 12 election, whether conducted inside or outside Iran – showed Ahmadinejad with less than majority support. None showed the much-touted Green Movement's candidate Mousavi ahead or even close.

"These findings do not prove that there were no irregularities in the election process," said Steven Kull, director of PIPA. "But they do not support the belief that a majority rejected Ahmadinejad." [For details, see's "Ahmadinejad Won, Get Over It!"]

So, while many in the West may agree that Ahmadinejad is an unpleasant politician who foolishly questions the historical accuracy of the Holocaust and makes other bombastic statements, it is nevertheless a propaganda fiction to continue asserting that he was not the choice of most Iranian voters.

The point is not insignificant, because the claim about Iran's "fraudulent" election has been cited repeatedly as fact by the Post, the Times and other major U.S. news outlets, feeding the rationale of Israel and U.S. neocons in demanding "regime change."

If Ahmadinejad was actually elected – even if the process had flaws – then the goal of "regime change" would involve ousting a popularly chosen leader, much like the CIA helped do in 1953 when another anti-Western Iranian leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, was removed from office and replaced by Washington's preferred choice, the Shah of Iran.

But the American hostility toward Ahmadinejad – and the U.S. media's annoyance at any rapprochement between Washington and Tehran – present other dangers, particularly now that Iran has agreed to a previous Western demand that it transfer 1,200 kilograms (2,640 pounds) of low-enriched uranium out of the country, in this case to Turkey, where it would be stored.

The Iran-Turkey-Brazil agreement would then give Iran the right to receive about 265 pounds of more highly enriched uranium from Russia and France in a form that could not be used for a nuclear weapon, but could be put to use for peaceful purposes, such as medical research.

Even though this new deal parallels a plan that the Obama administration favored last October, U.S. officials have indicated that they might balk at the agreement now because the 2,640 pounds of low-enriched uranium represents a lower percentage of Iran's total supply than it did last fall, possibly more like half than two-thirds.

 "The situation has changed," one diplomat told the New York Times.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs also indicated that the new agreement would not stop the United States from seeking harsher sanctions against Iran.

"The United States will continue to work with our international partners, and through the United Nations Security Council, to make it clear to the Iranian government that it must demonstrate through deeds — and not simply words — its willingness to live up to international obligations or face consequences, including sanctions," Gibbs said.


The Washington Post's analysis by Glenn Kessler portrayed the new agreement as "a victory" for Iran that has allowed it to create "the illusion of progress in nuclear negotiations with the West, without offering any real compromise to the United States and its allies."

However, perhaps the bigger concern among American neocons is that the Iran-Turkey-Brazil accord might weaken the rationale for pressing ahead either with a military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities or with a "regime change" strategy that would use sanctions and covert political operations to turn the Iranian people against their government.

By reducing the prospects of Iran building a nuclear weapon – something that Iran has vowed that it has no intention of doing and that U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in 2007 that it wasn't doing – the new agreement could remove the scariest claim that Israel and its supporters have used in justifying a confrontation with Iran.

So, what might otherwise appear as good news – i.e. an agreement that at minimum delays the possibility of an Iranian bomb and could be a first step toward a fuller agreement – is presented as bad news.

"The Obama administration now faces the uncomfortable prospect of rejecting a proposal it offered in the first place -- or seeing months of effort to enact new sanctions derailed," Kessler explained.

As usual, too, the articles by the Washington Post and the New York Times left out the relevant fact that Israel, which has been aggressively pushing for greater transparency from Iran over its suspected interest in nukes, itself has one of the world's most sophisticated – and undeclared – nuclear arsenals.

Even as President Barack Obama has demanded more nuclear transparency from all countries, he himself continues the longstanding charade of U.S. presidents, dating back to Richard Nixon, pretending that they don't know that Israel has nuclear weapons.

In line with that history of double standards, Washington's neocon opinion leaders now are framing what could be a positive step toward peace – the Iran-Turkey-Brazil accord – as another failure.

But the larger truth may be that the neocons are simply chafing under the possibility that their hunger for a new conflict in the Middle East might be delayed indefinitely and that – heaven forbid – cooler heads might prevail.  

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, was written with two of his sons, Sam and Nat, and can be ordered at His two previous books, Secrecy & Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq and Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth' are also available there. Or go to  

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Big Love Monster wins the battle of the Bands - Clock Online

Posted: 17 May 2010 10:40 AM PDT

As it does every year, this year's Spring Fling Battle of the Bands served as the perfect precursor to Saturday night's big show. A slew of awesome Plymouth state bands made their way to the stage on Friday evening in front of a pretty healthy crowd of students, law enforcement officers and fun vendors of all kinds as the campus geared up for Drake's performance the following evening.

Leading off the proceedings were Plymouth mainstays and winners of a few past battles, Forging Reverie. The Reverie gentlemen did the best they could with an opening slot in the daylight, energetically ripping out a few new songs like "One Idea" and the aggressive "Short Fictions", which received positive reactions from the crowd. Guitars were the highlight of Forging Reverie's set, with Derek Heidemann showing off some serious finesse in his fret work. Newcomer Justin Newton, brother of frontman Tyler Newton, provided some excellent flourishes of background vocals and rhythm guitar, making the band sound bigger than they have before.

Eventual Battle of the Bands winners Big Love Monster also took a daytime slot, jamming and picking their way through a truly funky bunch of songs. Again, the guitar work in this band, along with lead singer Phil Barber's dapper suit coat, stole the show. Sam Demers really impressed the assembled students with his ability to play some pretty difficult stuff while still providing stellar vocals.

Dana Brearly, Matt Feehan and Justin Cohen turned in an excellent set of covers, including the Goo Goo Dolls' "Iris,S" Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" and an encore performance of Jimi Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower." Encores and covers are both rare animals within the context of the Battle of the Bands, but the trio pulled them both off well in front of the increasingly large crowd.

Several great sets were played after the sun went down, including an energetic set from rapper Chris Marr. Most notably, Gator Bait and the Road Sodas turned in a very entertaining performance of their punk-tinged garage rock, sounding like Modest Mouse on steroids as they blasted through their set. The band encored with a rousing cover of Neil Young's "Rockin' In the Free World," which was met with raucous applause from the crowd. Although they didn't win, the Road Sodas stood out as the most unique and refreshing act of the evening, due to the fact that they truly sounded like no one else that took the stage that evening.

After all the student bands had played their sets, New Jersey ska legends Catch 22 took the stage to rock the Battle of the Band attendees. The band joyously blasted through classics like "9mm and A Three Piece Suit," "Dear Sergio,""A Minor Point" and "This One Goes Out To…" and it seemed a fitting end to the successful Battle of the Bands. Fan favorite "Keasbey Knights" received the best crowd reaction, and the band's horns-and-distortion-soaked brand of pop punk kept the kids dancing until the end. After Catch 22 left the stage it was announced that Big Love Monster were the victors of the day, and the crowd dispersed to enjoy the remainder of their Spring Fling weekend.

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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