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Jumat, 17 September 2010

“A Different Way to Stop Smoking - Associated Content”

“A Different Way to Stop Smoking - Associated Content”

A Different Way to Stop Smoking - Associated Content

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:25 AM PDT

We have all heard the facts and fictions about ways to stop smoking. And we have all heard about the nicotine gums, patches and pills that may help us quit. Here is a different way that worked for me, and what may work
 for you.

First you need a reason to stop smoking. For example, your health. Maybe your tired of feeling sick all of the time. Or maybe your having surgery, and want your heart and lungs to be strong on the operating table. Another good reason to quit is that smoking can cause a lot of mental and physical health problems including anxiety and stress.

There are plenty of good reasons to stop smoking. What ever you decide your reason is, you should think about this reason every time you pick up a cigarette. This will help you resist the urge to smoke.

After you have decided on your reason, and if you are not using any medications to stop smoking, you need to make a plan. Put your plan on paper. Make sure to put your reason up top so you don't forget why you are quitting.
You could also use a calender for this step.

Start by writing down the amount of cigarettes, or packs you plan on cutting down to each week. For example, if you smoke two packs a day you could cut down to one and a half packs a day for a week. Then, one pack a day for week two, and maybe fifteen cigarettes a day for week three.

It's important to make sure you are setting realistic goals for yourself each week. If you don't think you can cut down that much that quick, then set a goal that you think you can do each week.

Keep doing this week by week until you get down to one cigarette a day. This will be the hardest one to give up but you can do this! You've come this far, right!

I found that chewing on some Twizzlers helped more than chewing on gum. Getting out and doing yard work or taking a walk helps. It's good exercise and will make you feel better.

I didn't use any nicotine gums, patches or pills when I was using this method. Not that using stop smoking aids are wrong. I just wasn't able to get a prescription for any of these, nor could I afford to keep trying the OTC (over the counter) medicines. I have tried the nicotine gum in the past, before I used this method. But I didn't think the gum was that great.

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